Worhsip You

Monday, May 30, 2011

Well-Rounded Man: Total Package

So a friend of mine and I have been talking about the esteemed qualities of different "types" of men. The respect and moral compass of a "good" guy, the confidence and thrill of a "bad" guy, etc. My friend, Mike,  basically expressed a desire to work to become the "Total Package" or basically the ultimate man (as far as our worldviews are concerned). It was not a concept we tried to build on or develop, but that's what has inadvertently happened. Last week my mind has been processing a lot of things concerning myself and relationships. I came to the conclusion that, while I'm far form perfect, I am a man of worth, I have value, and a female should recognize me as such for any chance of me taking her seriously as far as a relationship. That being said, if you value me in the abstract, it's empty jargon if your  actions do not express what you believe in the abstract. If you consider me to be a pearl don't play with me like I'm a marble. While thinking this I thought "this sounds like something you MIGHT hear from a girl (if she has respectable standards) but I've never heard a guy say it. Even if a guy believes it, i've never heard a man blatantly spell it out for a girl. This seemed like an unexposed double standard to me. Why is the female the only one who is a "priceless gem" worth working for? Take note, this is not a gender role thing I am disputing, I just feel like our society perpetuates this notion that a good woman is a priceless jewel, but what do they have to say about a good man? Good parents will tell their son to value their woman... but do they tell their  daughters to value their men. There are plenty of faults the general male populace has to fic about themselves, I just wanted to  expose the damage we may be doing to our  friends/children if we teach men to value women as priceless, but do not teach the same to our women. with that in perspective, I told Mike, how many other double standards do you think there are like that one where if we turn the tables and apply them to ourselves they will result in the process of making us better men? So me and Mike have a goal: to be the total package. To be a good  guy who carries himself like a bad boy, who values his worth and purity like a good  girl, and who has insights from male and female perspectives. I'll go even further, while I don't  agree with it as a lifestyle, even gay males may have something to impart to make us more well rounded men. A man who seeks knowledge from all sages will eventually know all things-self made proverb (obviously not completely accurate or deductive, but you  see where I'm going with this). Onward to self-improvement and personal betterment! Through it all, may God be glorified.

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