Worhsip You

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Difference Btween Fun And Folly

Fun maintains a level of responsibility, whereas folly is fun corrupted by foolishness.

The Messiah's Anointed One

An Aimless Astronomer Who Ponders The Stars And Galaxies From Their Backyard.
A Nameless Wanderer Who Wantonly Travels Through Space And Time With The Power Of Their Mind.
The Unknown Philosopher Who Sits With Poor Posture Contemplating Life's Mysteries.
The Unfocused Photographer Who Pictures Life From A Different Perspective.
They Are Not Your Standards. They Are Not Your Expectations. They Are Not The Status Quo.
They Do Not Fit Your Presumptions. They Do Not Fit Your Prejudice. They Do Not Fit The Box You Try To Put Them In.
They Are Designed By The Divine, Defined By Holy Scribes, Derived From A Different Kind.
They Are Divinely Appointed, Holy Anointed, A New Kind Of Clairvoyant.
Your Corruption Does Not Interest Them. Your Injustice Sickens Them. Your Lustful Exploits Are Their Nemesis.
Integrity Is Their Credo. Equality Is Their Battle Cry. Purity Is Their Message.
Your Armies Will Stand Against Them, But They Will Fall. They Are Too Adamant For You To Conquer.
Your Scholars Will Interrogate Them, But Their Inquiries Will Fail. Their Teacher's Profundity Confounds The Wise.
You May Not Know Them. You May Never Know Them. You Don't Need To.
They Are Here. They Are Among You. You Are Unaware, But Your Babylon System Has Already Fallen, It Is Just A Matter Of Time.

Poetic Words of Wisdom

Love is the epoch of a man's existence. It is no surprise, then, why his eager desires exposes him to be recklessly fooled by the lure of a decoy.
Infatuation is the elusive illusion, leading him deceitfully into ruin and despair. Her name becomes the epitaph of his soul.
The heart is a drunkard, emotions are its brew. Watch, that it does not drink itself to death.
Do not be overly ambitious to fall in love, because one may easily trip into the pitfall of the enemy.
Do not fall in love with someone who is unwilling or unable to catch you. One should know these things in advance.
Love is the light of the world, therefore, it is not blind. If the darkness of doubt shrouds your ability to trust, the you cannot love.
It may not be that your ability to trust is lacking, it may be that they are not truly worthy of the privilege.
Love is sure, if you are uncertain of your love for someone it does not exist.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Parable of the Dime and the Ten Pennies

There was a man who offered ten cents to his sons. In one hand he held a dime and in the other he held ten pennies. Even though they were equivalent in worth, the foolish son snatched up the ten pennies because there were more coins for him to hold. It satisfied his greed and tickled his pride. The wiser son was glad to take the dime, because all of his wealth could be found in one place. Though there was less qauntity, the dime each penny by itself in quality.
While walking around his home, the foolish son was playing with one of his pennies. Becuase he had nine more pennies and the penny by itself was of little worth, he tossed the coin around carelessly. All of the sudden he slipped and lost his grip on the penny. The penny rolled away from the foolish son down a hill into the ditch. The son was unable to find the penny, but it was only worth one cent, so it really wasn't worth the trouble anyway. However, the foolish son was upset because he now only had 9 cents while his brother still had ten.
That night, while the foolish son was sleeping on the couch, two of his pennies fell out of his pocket into the couch. They were later found by the housekeeper who ended up keeping them for herself. The foolish son was down to only seven cents.
As the days passed, the foolish son continued to lose his pennies until he only had one left. When the foolish son realized he had only one penny left he cherished it becuase, even though it was only worth one cent, by this point this one penny was all the son had left.
The wiser son, who cherished his one dime from the beginning, never lost the dime. It was the only coin he had and if he lost it he would have lost all ten cents. But because the wiser son cherished the dime, and chose to focus his attention on holding onto only one coin, he never lost that dime and still had his ten cents. Because of how they chose, the foolish son started of with ten coins worth ten cents, but ended with one coin worth one cent. The wiser son started off with one coin worth ten cents and ended with the same coin and the same worth.
If you come to a point in your life where you need to choose between a group of people that don't mean that much to you and one person who is everything you wanted, choose the dime over the pennies. It'll end better for you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My Prayer and New Creed

A man is only as strong as his support. He is as weak as his pride. 
His honor is in his integrity, his shame is in his folly. 
God is his glory, injustice is intolerable.
He is passionate for righteousness, committed to his duties, and faithful in his relationships. 
He uses discernment when he speaks and he does not act hastily. 
His love is expressed and his anger controlled. 
GOD, mold me to be such a man...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Well-Rounded Man: Total Package

So a friend of mine and I have been talking about the esteemed qualities of different "types" of men. The respect and moral compass of a "good" guy, the confidence and thrill of a "bad" guy, etc. My friend, Mike,  basically expressed a desire to work to become the "Total Package" or basically the ultimate man (as far as our worldviews are concerned). It was not a concept we tried to build on or develop, but that's what has inadvertently happened. Last week my mind has been processing a lot of things concerning myself and relationships. I came to the conclusion that, while I'm far form perfect, I am a man of worth, I have value, and a female should recognize me as such for any chance of me taking her seriously as far as a relationship. That being said, if you value me in the abstract, it's empty jargon if your  actions do not express what you believe in the abstract. If you consider me to be a pearl don't play with me like I'm a marble. While thinking this I thought "this sounds like something you MIGHT hear from a girl (if she has respectable standards) but I've never heard a guy say it. Even if a guy believes it, i've never heard a man blatantly spell it out for a girl. This seemed like an unexposed double standard to me. Why is the female the only one who is a "priceless gem" worth working for? Take note, this is not a gender role thing I am disputing, I just feel like our society perpetuates this notion that a good woman is a priceless jewel, but what do they have to say about a good man? Good parents will tell their son to value their woman... but do they tell their  daughters to value their men. There are plenty of faults the general male populace has to fic about themselves, I just wanted to  expose the damage we may be doing to our  friends/children if we teach men to value women as priceless, but do not teach the same to our women. with that in perspective, I told Mike, how many other double standards do you think there are like that one where if we turn the tables and apply them to ourselves they will result in the process of making us better men? So me and Mike have a goal: to be the total package. To be a good  guy who carries himself like a bad boy, who values his worth and purity like a good  girl, and who has insights from male and female perspectives. I'll go even further, while I don't  agree with it as a lifestyle, even gay males may have something to impart to make us more well rounded men. A man who seeks knowledge from all sages will eventually know all things-self made proverb (obviously not completely accurate or deductive, but you  see where I'm going with this). Onward to self-improvement and personal betterment! Through it all, may God be glorified.

The Anger Delusion

Insight: Sometimes we make ourselves mad, not because we are genuinely, but we feel we deserve to be, are entitled to be, or ought to be. We want to be angry because it gives us a false sense of empowerment that seems to hide our hurt and weaknesses.We want to be angry because society has told us we should be regardless of how we actually feel. We get angry to protect ourselves from being seen as prey or pushovers by others. I won't. I refuse. If I am angry, let it be righteous and let it be sincere. My society dictates what I do and how I think more then I want it to already... but I won't let it have this! Giving it to God...